Sunday, December 12, 2010

Week of Prayer

Thank you to my many sisters that will be joining me this week in a week of prayer for Women Creating A Safe World. I have attached the link to the blog below.

The instructions are easy. Just a moment every day to read the blog for the day. Pray and reflect for our mothers, sisters and daughters around the world.



Sunday, November 21, 2010

Join me in a week of Prayer for Women Creating a Safe World

Hello to my dear sisters. This past month The YWCA joined together in a powerful movement of prayer and mediation on creating a safe world for women. As you already know Robby and LAM work internationally to help bring an end to sex trafficking and other issues such as domestic violence that threaten the very lives of our dear sisters and mothers abroad. My work at the YMCA has brought about a perfect opportunity to join forces.

The YWCA put together a great booklet that leads us through a week of prayer and meditation for social justice. I invite you to partake in a week of our own of prayer for the work of LAM and the YWCA and YMCA. I have attached the link to the booklet.

Starting on December 13th all who chose to participate will join together for 7 days to reflect daily on the meditations of the booklet. If you have a heart for our enslaved and beaten daughters and mothers please join me. I am planning sufficiently in advance as I know that the holidays are around the corner and our schedules do tend to get a little overwhelming. On the other hand it is during the holidays that those in need suffer the most. Let this be your gift to the many missionaries working oversees and back home.

If you choose to join us please send me an email and I will provide further instructions. But please know it is as simple as a reading, prayer and words of reflection that you can share with other women participating in this event.

Blessings and thank you for joining Robby and I in this journey.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Artist Venue

As I spoke with Robby today he shared that this past weekend he was able to attend an artist venue. It was so good to hear that spark in his voice that comes from being around kindred spirits. Robby is a unique being(aren't we all!). He has incredible talent both in logic and reason and in the arts. He is exercising his right brain every day at LAM so the event could not have come at a better time. He sounded excited and ready to tackle another day having connected with the arts and made some new friends.

Robby returned from his brief stint back here in Phoenix to a very busy office with many projects awaiting him. We are comforted right now knowing that in the new year we will be able to spend more time together as I plan to head to Miami with the dogs.

We ask for prayer as the next month brings a lot of travel. I just returned from Chicago and head back there this next week. After that I am only home for a couple of days and then I head out to Miami! Yes, Miami! We are taking a short weekend trip together with Mom and Dad Chaney. This trip is very needed right now. From Miami I will head to D.C. and San Diego and then home for the holidays. We ask for patience and support as we will not be able to connect much with folks througout our travels and during our time in Miami we plan on disapearing! We love you and we know you will understand!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Pithy Platitudes

So Rob and I are not big on pithy platitudes. In fact we aviod them at all costs. We both believe it does nothing but invalidate feelings we are meant to experience. But over the past five years and our many struggles we have landed on the following motto's for our own home:

1) There is my way, your way, and then there is God's way.
2) This one is stolen from my very own wise Uncle Gordon- Vices are just overdone virtues.

So where am I going with this...
Today was my last day at Valle del Sol. I have been there for five years. It has been a stabilizing force in our life and home. As I said my goodbyes today I pondered how complex my feelings are related to change. See, as a missionary's daughter I have said goodbye my entire life. In fact, I don't think until I married Rob I really knew much of anything else. See, his upbringing was about as opposite as mine. He spent most of youth and young adulthood in the same state, city and even home. He was surrounded by family and the family business as far back as he can remember. A good analogy to our different ways is constantly displayed in our physical home. Rob holds on to everything (and I mean everything). We have boxes after boxes of belongings. Well, I toss things after I don't find a purpose for them within the very same week I receive them (this goes for even the mail). Rob is constantly looking for things I have tossed. I am constantly trying to remember why I tossed them. Another great example...our furniture arrangment. Every couple of months Rob comes home to find everything in our home rearranged. It alwasy leads to us putting everything back in it's original place. The key has always been to find the balance somewhere in the middle: God's way not our way.

The complexity in my feelings leaving the office today lied in the strange comfort I found in leaving such an important and meaningful part of my life. I have wanted to part ways with Valle so many times and only in the past year have I not thought once of being anywhere else. But here I am leaving. I am sad but strangly comforted by my uneasiness.

This is not to say that the past week has been anything other than overwhelming. But something was different this time. The goodbye was expected, planned and there was closure. I have to give credit where credit is due...Robby showered me with support and acts of service. With only three days in town he spent it fixing a flat tire, moving boxes, walking the dogs for three hours at seven am in the morning and most importantly holding my hand. There is always time to change your relationship to "change".

So once again, you are probobly asking me...Where are you going with this? Well, I am amazed by God's grace as He continues teaching us with every breath we take. Robby's work at LAM requires him and our marriage to welcome change. Not only change but constant change. The past six months of our marriage have been little more than an ongoing series of goodbyes to one another. Ironic, that the man that resists change readily accepts such a position? Well, I guess if you believe in irony-but we don't. Furthermore, a job that is placed in my path that requires me to thoughtfully plan a goodbye. So once again I reminded there is my way, Rob's way and then God's way.

Many folks might think that all this change is just a season...please don't say is just a pithy platitude. Work has never just been work. Both Rob and I throw ourselves into our work. It is our passion, our calling and in many ways part of our soul. See this is where the the whole, "vices are just overdone virtues" comes in. Rob and I would not pretend to say that living on opposite sides of the country is healthy for us or that we wouldn't have it any other way. That would be plain lie. We don't want to live apart and it has taken it's toll. We just couldn't see any other way. We are committed to our passions and felt the calling. We were and in many ways are still perplexed. Confused yet? I hope so because so are we. So instead of finding a simple solution we just take it day by day. Today, I accepted a job to be closer to Rob and we are discussing what is to come after Rob returns to his original position with LAM (part-time).

So we readily accept your support and prayer as we take it day by day and find God's way in our life, purpose, passion and calling.

Friday, October 29, 2010


Rob returned from Honduras safely. I received many calls about the pending Hurricane and how it would affect his travels. We were so blessed in that he was able to leave Honduras the day before the storm hit. I write "leave Honduras" instead of "return to the US" because with each trip Rob's love and desire to serve Latin America grows leaps and bounds.

It was such a blessing that Rob was in Miami when the call came to travel to Honduras. The plans were made and he was traveling within less than 48 hours- no small feet but the fact that he was so close to Honduras allowed him to jump on a plane in time.

It is so hard to fully explain Rob's experience when he travels. There is so much richness that is lost in narrative format. But I will try as best as I can. Rob was documenting the very first seminar of it's kind in Honduras. It was a leadership training developed, trained and delivered by the people of Honduras. It is so exciting when you get to experience the power of grassroot movement.

During the seminar Rob participated in the event and had an opportunity to engage with the leaders and many men who attended. Rob's style of participating in events and documenting them is to step into the background and engage one on one with individuals as they share their story. The greatest challange for him is the language. Speaking the language is the gate into the lives of others. It never ceases to amaze me how once I speak Spanish the fact that I am such a "guera" (white folk) ceases to exist. I am never questioned on my race or ethnicity. The simple fact that I speak like them earases any barries. Rob's Spanish skills have improved. We have even tried speaking Spanish only in the home... swim or drown. Mom and Dad Chaney even gifted the Rosestta Stone program to Rob on his last birthday.

Rob was able to understand and follow the seminar and engage with his limited Spanish but arrived in Miami with an increased urgency to continue learning. I think after a little more travel he will have mastered the language.

We are still downloading and editing pictures but once we are finished we will post on the blog.

We have received several requests for more information regarding Rob's current role at LAM. Understandibly so, folks are wondering why he is spending so much time in Miami and not in the field. Well, the easy answer is that in order for the mission to survive a transition period needed to occur at the headquarters. Rob was asked by the LAM team to step into a temporary role to assist with coordinating the transition to better serve our missionaries and further support the native leaders in South America. We did hesitate to ensure it was the right decision for Rob and I and agreed to serve in this capacity for a short period of time. This transitory role is until March of next year and is in addition to his duties traveling in the field. While I have to admit that his work at the headquarters does limit his current travels it has not dampered his passion for the field work. Quite the opposite. Rob is able to design and create processees to improve the infrastructe to further the work LAM in Latin America.

Rob will continue as he did this past month to travel and document the lives of our Latin brothers and sisters. Past March he will transition out of his role at the headquarters and return to his part time status traveling and working on the testimonial aspect of his role as Creative Director.

So what does the next month hold for us? Well, lots of travel and then more travel. Starting on Monday I will begin my marathon journey to San Francisco, Simi Valley, San Diego, Chicago, Miami and then D.C. I finally return a couple of weeks before Christmas. It is hard to imagine how to even prepare for being gone for so long so our plan is to take it week by week. But I am thrilled to say that Rob will be returning home for two weeks in November and then we will be traveling together again in December where we will solidify our plans to spend more time together Miami.

How can you support us? Continue to pray for Rob's role at LAM and the patience and endurance to continue this dual capacity of change catalyst at LAM headquarters and missionary in Latin America. Also, please encourage us to plan carefully around Rob's stay in Arizona. During his last trip home we didn't spend enough time reconnecting and we agreed we wouldn't let it happen again. So if you don't hear from us- you know why, Also, this next month brings a lot of change with my new role starting at the Y. On a different note give thanks that Rob was able to find a way to incorporate his love and gift of music into his weekly work. He was asked and he cheerfully accepted to lead the music portion of weekly devotional for the staff.

As I travel I will continue to provide updates and feel free to contact me at

Enjoy the change of leaves and the cool weather reminding us that Christmas is right around the corner!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Y of the USA

Thank you to all of you that have prayed and encouraged through the past 5 months of uncertainty. I am excited to share with you that I have officially accepted the position of Project Manager of Health Equity with the Y of the USA. I will be working nationally to reduce health disparities for our racial and ethnic minorities.
I have been working on a contract basis with the Y for a little over a year and the opportunity came about for me to apply for a full time position. I have been interviewing for the past 5 months and had almost given up when the news came that they had selected me for the position. I will be traveling 30% of the time and working remotely for the remainder. This means I will be able to work from either here or Miami! And yes, that means I will be able to spend more time with Rob. This is such an exciting opportunity and it would not have happened with the support of family and friends. Thank you!

Also, on a high note...Rob will be traveling to Honduras this week. His heart is working alongside the men and women of Latin America and that is just what he will be doing this week. The project entails supporting and documenting the role out of a training/education and leadership program. It the first of its kind in Honduras- the program was created by the men and women of Honduras to meet the unique needs of their community. What is most exciting is that this is what LAM is all about: Supporting the local grassroot work of hardworking men and women in Latin America. The role of LAM is come alongside and support them to create sustainable change... And it is amazing to know we get to be a part of it.
Please pray for Rob as he travels. Honduras has its safety challanges to put it mildly. But we are simply thrilled to witness the very first roll out of such an incredible program.

One last note. As you already may know October is fundraising month for us. If you have not already please consider a small donation in the amount of $10. This is approx. 2 starbucks trips. Those $10 go a long way to support the very men and women who are working diligently to start programs such as the one in Honduras. I would also encourage you to pass on the invite for support to 10 of your friends. We have found that supporting LAM in turn blesses you! Please share the opportunity to be part of such an incredible organization with your friends and family. You too can support the local leaders of Latin America as they create sustainable change in their own communities.

Thank you and expect an update of the Honduras trip!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Two Ways of Living

So there are two ways of living. One is to make God fit you or the other, which I am constantly reminded of, is to make my life fit God.

So the past couple weeks have been trying. Finances are two step forward and one step back. Just when we think we are making it...bam! Huge vet bill and major car repair on one weekend. Does anybody else find themselves asking, "Why God?". But it came just in time to rally as Rob was coming home for a week. It was clear right off the bat that he was over committed. His days and nights have been full filling obligations previously agreed upon while he was still living in AZ. A wedding, studio time, etc. All good things but it has left very little for the two of us. Big mistake. So we are trying to figure out how to protect our time since we see each other so little. Clearly this time we didn't do a very good job. So this morning before work we just looked at each other wondering how we got here.

And then the big wammy... joy of knowing that Rob doesn't need heart surgery is completely overshadowed by the news that my baby sis is facing the big C word...Cancer. She is 19...again I am asking God why?

So tonight while Rob is at the studio I choose the leave the puppies in the kennel albeight much protest to spend some time with loving, encouraging women. Just what my soul was demanding. And once again I reminded of the peace that comes with living life on lifes terms.

So my prayer requests are obivous. But here are a couple more:
One, I am awaiting news in the next week of the potential of spending more time with Rob in Miami. Two, we chose October as a a fundraising awareness month. Sounds contradictory, no? Well, the idea is to reach 50 friends and family that would support us with a one time donation of $10. We are hoping that each of you will also send the request to 5 additional friends. The purpose is to bring awareness to LAM and the work Robby is doing. Please take a moment to pray in how you might bring awareness to your loved ones.

Thank you once again! I leave you feeling encouraged and at peace.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

FundRaising Month

Dear Family and Friends,

We are asking for your help throughout the month of October! We are launching a fundraising campaign to raise awareness and support for our work with LAM. We are seeking out 50 family and friends that would be willing to donate as low as $10 a month or with a one time gift. You can find our facebook cause page to make a donation or go directly to LAM's website at Our goal is less about money and more about awareness. Any small donation makes a difference!

Please pass this on to family and friends! Help us make a difference in Latin America. We ask that you reach out to five of your own family and friends to make a small contribution. All of is is tax deductible.

Thank you for supporting us and most importantly for giving voice to fellow brothers and sisters in Latin America!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Happy Traveling

Yet once again I have lagged on the Friday updates. The past month has been a traveling frenzy. Just in the past week and a half I have been in three different time zones. I am finally home and missing Robby terribly. I am counting down the days. Only one more week to go until he comes home for a week. We are looking forward to celebrating our five year anniversary together (even if a week late). Originally we planned on being in San Diego for our anniversary and an opportunity came about that might allow us to spend more time together while Rob is in Miami. We decided it was best for me to explore the opportunity and see what God has in plan for us. More details to come in a couple of weeks.

One of the great personal blessings that has come as a result of Rob being in Miami is an opportunity to work on his health. He has been walking/exercising every day and eating healthy. His doctor has been telling him for years now that more sun, exercise and healthy food can greatly improve his health- but it has taken him Miami to get started. Well, I can't say it is Miami alone that has triggered healthier behavior. We believe that when doing God's work and following his calling things that always seemed overwhelming become possible. It is an uphill battle but we believe in God's healing. One of the items on our to do list while Rob is here is a follow up visit with the heart doctor. Please pray!

Another prayer is for our companionship. We have both been experiencing loneliness in spite our crazy busy schedule.

Thank you once again for your support and prayers!

Friday, September 3, 2010


Oh how wonderful! My parents made it possible for me to visit Robby in Miami last week. Thank you Mom and Dad! It couldn't have come at a better time. LAM is going through many changes and have hired Robby on to lead the transition alongside my father for the next six months in addition to his support based ministry.

This means that Robby will be spending three out out of the four weeks of the month in Miami. Because he will be spending so much time there my Mom scoured the city to find an efficiency apartment where Rob could live for the next six months. Because of her diligence she found a very comfortable studio only a mile away from their place. This means Robby can commute with my father in the mornings and evenings. It also means he has family close by. It made a very scary situation seem so safe.

The apartment is amazing. You can tell the owner takes pride in the property. It is very Miami. Built in the 1950's with casita style tile floors and freshly painted walls. It is large enough to fit the bed, a table and desk. The kitchen has all the basics and the bathroom is as cute as can be (even if it fits only one in the morning!). It was wonderful being there for the weekend as he settled in. However the cold showers every morning were a bit painful (no hot water yet). We found ourselves cooking in the tiny kitchen and eating at the table enjoying the silence of our quiet conversation (with no TV to distract us). We got to talking about the necessities of life and how few their really are.

Reading my sister in laws blog about the economy/ recession got me thinking about the many changes we have made in our lifestyle over the past year as Rob has entered into ministry. We began to shed all the so called comforts of life and found we are more peaceful than ever. Our greatest commodity is time.

We started the process by eliminating all the so called extras- we decided eating out was one of them. The cost of one dinner out is equal to almost one week's worth of groceries. I started shopping at several stores based on the best price of produce (Sprouts hands down) and toiletries (Fry's). I consider it my mission to walk out of the grocery store having only purchased items on sale. We eliminated items that can kill a budget such as juices. Instead we refrigerate our very own free filtered water. In Spanish when you order water at a restaurant you say aguita de Dios (God's water) so true when you get thinking...

We eliminated the extra gym/yoga memberships. Instead I attend the free yoga in the park on weekends. We don't have any of the cable/phone extras that we once considered necessary. Redbox is a treat ($1 movies a night). Where as in the past if we needed clothing it was a shopping trip to the mall, now I find deals at Marshall's (Juicy dress pants for Rob for only $12). We limit driving and plan out our week to save gas.

I started hand washing dry clean only clothes (yes- you can actually do this!). Air conditioning only when we are home. Lights always off if not in use. Washing the car at the do it yourself for a quarter places.

Coffee oh coffee how I love thee...a major budget killer unless you have stock in Starbucks. Instead I found that Folgers has individual serving instant coffee that makes an amazing espresso with a little bit of water or a latte when added directly to hot milk...all for less than 25 cents.

I feel like I could go one for a while more but truth be told it becomes a way of life. It becomes fun- something Rob and I get to do together...finding joy in the small things that cost no money at all...the evening walks, swimming at Grandma and Grandpa's or movie nights at home.

I listen to the news on the so called recession- if we only knew. All we have to do is talk to our grandparents to understand the true nature of a recession. While it has hit harder for those most in need the rest of us that still have food on the table and a roof over our head can be challanged to shift our perpective back to relationships, love and nature.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Last cup of coffee

This would be one of Rob's last cups of coffee...for a really long time. I wish I could say the same but I haven't taken the plunge yet...I still am enjoyin my daily red bull in the morning and coffee in the afternoon...

New York- New Times

While working in NY with the YMCA I decided to venture out to explore the local community as it related to issues of health. For two reasons, one is personal and the other is that my work with Y to improve the health and well being of minority communities. It also happens to be what I am writing my thesis on! The second picture is a local market in the upper east side. The first is in queens. Both were taken at the same time in the evening. What a dichotomy!

The unspoken truth is that your neighborhood is the number one indicator of health. Without local grocery stores with fresh fruit and veggies you can't make healthy eating choices. Unsafe streets keep children and adults trapped inside their homes. Pollutants are concentrated in low socio-economic areas.

What does this have to do with our work with LAM? Well, I guess it has more to do with our personal lives. Rob has had to make some drastic changes in his diet per doctor's orders. It is harder than it seems- you try eating salad every night! No caffine, limit the sugar intake....

So here we are, blessed with a local trader joe's and in walking distance to anything and everything we could ever need or want. I say this because we are taking a more contrated look at how we eat, exercise, sleep...etc. I realize how much we take for granted. How the little things that seem like a nuscence to our partner drinking the last cup of milk and having to run to the store late at really a problem of comfort. See, we have a grocery store with fresh milk and money in our account to by it. A car to drive or even walking shoes to make the quick hike. All of it seems to trivial but to others it is not.

Robby and I are challanged to recognize the blessings we have been given and to recognize our challanges are those of comfort not need.

Friday, August 6, 2010

New York and Back

I was really hoping to post pictures of NY today but alas technical meltdown with the camera and computer...

New York was a wonderful trip. Rob flew from Miami to NY the same day I did. It turned out that his flight was delayed so we arrived at the same exact time. It was a work trip for me. This meant I started at 7:30 am every morning and wrapped up at about 6:30-7:00 pm. Rob spent his days in the city and walking the streets of NY. In the evenings we managed to spend time with my co-workers from the Y and do a little sightseeing. The fact that we were in queens about an hour out of the city did make it a little challaning. However, we did manage to get one evening to just the two of us in the city. We had a very romantic dinner and visited all the usual NY spots (time square, madison avenue, central park, Bryant Park and more).

It was a wonderful time together and we cherished every moment of it. Thank you to our family for making this brief break possible.

Rob heads back to Miami this next week. He has accomplished one of two major task in regards to the tecnical systems. As of this past week LAM upgraded to a new accounting software and went live. Next steps for Rob include being part of the LAM transition team. More detaisl to come on this.

I head back out to San Diego this next week as I wrap up my first semester of graduate courses. This past 4-5 months has been one big whirwind in many ways. Our hope is that along the way we have stopped to love one another and every person we have been blessed to be in contact with.

We also have much to be grateful for. My dear friend and sister adopted a beautiful baby girl named Layla. I have been blessed to be part of this journey for the past several years. It is such a joy to welcome her home. Our beautiful baby niece (not so much a baby anymore) had her 6th birthday. You should have seen her on her new roller skates! We are also excited for our dear friends who found out that they are expecting their first child!

So we ask for prayers of gratitude for the many great things that have happened. We also ask that you keep Rob's health in your prayers. His heart issues have been a challange lately. We have wonderful doctors and they have assured us not to worry but his symptoms have been a dailly challange.

Thank you once again for your support and prayer! Pictures will come soon!


Friday, July 23, 2010

And off we go...

And off we go on another adventure. Rob arrived back in Phoenix a little over a week ago. We got some much needed rest in and now he is off again to Miami. He left this past Wednesday. The exciting news is that we are meeting up in New York this next week. We were blessed with the support of family and friends to make this happen.

I am traveling to New York for a work trip with the YMCA. Rob is going to accompany me and spend some down time in the city that never sleeps (much like Rob). I will be working during the day which means Rob will have some time to himself and then we will meet up in evening. I really enjoy my work peers with the Y and am very excited for them to meet Rob.

My work with the Y is as a consultant. I work with Y's all over the US helping them culturally adapt their programs to meet the needs of diverse communities. This means we will be staying in the Bronx. I so enjoy this work and it very much aligns with the work Rob does with LAM. We both have a passion for serving the underserved. For reaching out to the hearts of people that often are judged or simly ignored by those around them. The exciting part about what I do with the Y is that I get to work with professionals and community members to break down the walls that exist between them and their community. It takes time, patience and it is a journey. Much like working with any disenfranchised community, it takes time to build trust and engage in partnerships. Please pray that my work with the Y would continue over the next week. I am wrapping up my current consulting job this year and hope to continue with more work with them over the next couple of years. My heart is working with such an incredible organization!

Rob is still working on getting the office back in Miami up and running. He is working on the servers and new accounting system. He is training others at the office to maintain the systems. It looks like what was a short terms side project has taken on a life of its own. Rob will most likely be working on this project for the next several months in addition to other work he does with LAM. We don't know what this means yet in terms of travel but we are preparing ourselves to spend time apart. We are finding a way to make this work for our relationship. We make sure to treasure every moment we have together. We also protect our time here if Phoenix very carefully. We do this so we don't get caught up with more "stuff" and lose sight that we need to connect when we are together.

Our families have been an incredible support. I must mention that without mom and dad Chaney we wouldn't have been able to make the past couple of months work. Just to mention a small gesture (that meant the world to me!)- both our cars broke down about two months ago. We hadn't been able to fix them and I didn't know how I was going to make it to school in San Diego. Dennis and Sandi graciously lent us their car and I haven't had to miss a class. WOW! Talk about love!

Speaking of school. I am almost done with my first semester...only three more to go!
You can be praying for direction in our life. I am unclear as to continue full time school with work or to take it slower. We are also praying for direction as Rob moves towards full time support raising with LAM. Also, that the technical project can be completed successfully so he can go back into the field. He missed the direct contact with folks in the field.

I will post more once I am back from NY!

Friday, July 9, 2010


I wish I could share with all of you the kind words I received while I was in Miami visiting Robby. I have always been very in tune with my husbands gifts and talents. He is a kind and patient soul. He is tireless. Faced with the most unsurrmountable difficulty he holds his head up high and takles it with faith and hope. He can work endless hours and expect nothing in return. When I fell in love with him, I fell in love with his couragous soul. Because of the unimaginable difficulties life has thrown his way, he maintains a perspective I could only dream of.
Things could be falling apart at the seam and he is full of gratitude.

Well things are NOT falling apart but it has been difficult for him in Miami. It feels like two step foward and one step back. He is working somewhat in isolation becuase of the technical aspect of the job. Yet, he finds the time and patience to train people in IT things (a no small feat in itself).

The staff were overwhelmed with love and gratitute for Robby and his work. It is not often that folks recognize how important the background work can be in running an organization. The payroll, email system, phone system, etc. It is the stuff we take for granted. Yet, the LAM staff encouraged me by loving on my husband. They shared with me how gracious, kind and tireless he has been over the past month and a half.

As a wife you know how incredible your husband is. And it is a blessing to know that other experience it too.

Keep us in your prayers as he continues to finish the project in Miami. He is coming home just in time for me to leave for San Diego, for school. I come back and turn right back around and head to New York for work. Pray that we can find a way for Robby to join me on the trip to NY. We could the time together.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


So the call came late on Friday that Rob needed to stay even longer to finish up the work he started here in Miami. So given the fact we had been separated for over a month, LAM decided to fly me out to Miami. My work was very understanding and allowed me the day off on Tuesday. So I packed my bags and barely made the flight on Saturday (I was flying stand by)

The night I arrived we had a wonderful Argentine meal with my parents and headed back to the motel. The main purpose of me coming to Miami was to spend time with Robby, relaxing and catching up on the past month. It has been hard to accomplish either in the brief three days I am here. Time spent away from the office, for Robby, means the longer he is here. He enjoys it here, as much as you can enjoy anything after a while- living out of a suitcase.

So we spend Sunday and Monday just relaxing. We spent hours at the coffee shop and even ventured into the local mall. I tried my best to make sure he ate and slept, as I know he often doesn't when left to his own devises.

I think Robby did finally relax but just in time to jump back into things. So I think when he gets back home to Phoenix there will need to be at least a week of recuperation.

There are so many things we love about Miami. The people are friendly. The diversity is amazing. I get to speak Spanish and eat my favorite foods. It reminds me of being home in Argentina. It is beautiful. It feels like in many ways I am back home- but without my home!

One thing that takes a while to get used to is the pace of life here. It is so much slower. I struggle with this, as does Rob. We are so used to efficiency and making use of every minute of the day. We went to McDonalds last night for a quick bit to eat. 25 minutes later they finally gave us our much for a quick meal...I guess this is what we get for eating at a fast food joint (yuck!).

So I am getting ready to head back to Phoenix and jump back into work and school. But continue to keep us in your thoughts as it is heart breaking to be heading back without him!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Time Apart

Heard the sad news today that Rob isn't coming home till Saturday. Ugh, this has been a long month without him. I think the hardest part is that we didn't anticipate being apart so long. I only packed a week's worth of clothes for Rob as he ran out the door to make it to the airport on time.

Time apart has its blessings. You come to appreciate your time together so much more. I haven't wanted to cook a meal in forever and right now the thought of sitting down to a home cooked favorite sounds like bliss! The nights I head off to bed and could be enjoying a romantic comedy with my hubby...

This past month has been challenging for several reasons. There is a lot of uncertainty right now in our lives and processing this emotion while physically distant is tugging at our hearts. Feeling some what alone and isolated is to be expected and yet I find my days filled with activities. Knowing that once Rob gets home, he has a month's worth of work waiting for him here, is hard. I will be back off to San Diego for school and we will have more time apart.

I think the most challenging part of life right now is not seeing the outcome of our work. Rob always says, "the work is up to us, the outcome is up to God". So true, yet it requires humility and faith. Please pray for us.

So on the flip excited am I that I get to see my best friend and partner in a week? You can't see it right now but I am smiling ear to ear!

Friday, June 25, 2010


Finally! It looks as if Rob will be home next week. He has been gone for almost a month in Miami. It has been the longest we have ever been apart. It has not been easy for either one of us. We have an incredible support system though.

My mother and father- in- law have been helping to taking care of the dogs and me. This past Monday I enjoyed a wonderful evening with them. It helped ease the lonliness. I am blessed that I married into such an incredible family. They also have been so generous as to allow me use their car while mine sits in the garage waiting to be fixed.

My mother has been doing what she can take care of Rob while he works his long hours. But with Robby there really is no use in trying to convince him to do something he doesn't want to. When he gets a working there is not stopping him!

Please pray this month for health, both physically and emotionally. Also, give thanks for family and friends that have come alongside us.

Saturday, June 19, 2010


Hello dear family and friends! It has been way to long. My apologies. Life had taken it's toll lately. No excuses just a brief apology.

Rob has been working hard on providing crucial technical support to LAM. Often in missions we forget about the "behind the scenes" work it takes to run an organization as large as LAM. There are countless people behind a desk that don't receive the recognition of serving in a foreign country, tilling land, or working with the men and women fresh off the street. But the work is no less important. They send out the support letters, they process the funds, they make sure our missionaries receive their monthly checks.

So what does this have to do with Robby? Well, Robby has stepped in to handle some very technically challenging tasks. While it is not Robby's passion per say- serving the mission is. So for the past two weeks he has been away in Miami doing behind the scenes work- and for some reason it feels even more challenging than the work he does in Latin America.

There are times we are called to use our gifts even if they seem trivial or we don't have the passion. Because it is not what we do but the heart we do it with.

So Robby has been working long days and nights to make sure our missionaries get paid. Trivial? Maybe unless you are a missionary waiting for your check.

How can you pray? Pray for perseverance, strength, health and most of all passion for the details. A prayer of gratitude.

Because of the need at LAM we have decided to begin raising full time support for Robby. We have no idea where to begin to raise this support. It is total step of faith. We know the path will present itself.

Pray for the hearts of those that will come alongside us in prayer and financial support.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Rob is in Honduras this week. It was a last moment trip and we were totally unprepaired but alas that feels like our life most of the time. He is participating in a conference for Latin American pastors. While he is there he will be finishing up the lastest edition of the Evangelist. I have watched as blank pages turn into life with pictures and stories of missionaries from Brazil and Costa Rica. Husband's take note of the following insight I had as you wife may be watching...No deed is ever menial when done from a place of love, passion and calling. I am inspired by Robby's gift to create and tell the stories of other's passionatly. The long hours on the computer editing pictures and writing articles is his way of being of service to others. He takes every task no matter how small as an opportunity to love on God and others. If only all of us took every task before us and viewed it as an opportunity to love. Robby loves me by being of service to others.

Saturday, February 27, 2010


Music is such a powerful tool that we know oh so well in our life! Music is an avenue for healing in our home. It also is a form of communication with God and others. It tells a story and crosses the boundries of language and culture. Some of my most cherished moments with my husband has been listening to him write, record and play his music. It allows me into his world and spurs in me a level of compassion for his pain and suffering that could only come from an intimate moment of unbridled hontesty via his music.

I am inspired by the pictures and stories of how his music is shared in the mission field. This picture was taken at aconvelescent home with the elderly. They shared in an unexpected and joyful time of worship. Another musical moment...Rob playing the guitar with a pimp on the streets of Costa Rica. When no words could have built a level of openess and trust with this huring man music did.

If you have ever questioned the power of music just usk us how it has moved in our lives.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Joyful Times

Our home has never been filled with more love and laughter than of late. Of course this does not mean that our circumstances have changed. Just in the past two weeks we have enjoyed an outrageously Divine dinner with another couple; late walks dreaming of our future; days spent at the studio picking citrus making fresh lemonade and orange juice; date night listening to live music and oh the joy of the Olympics....And this is just the short list!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

When in Pain

I am blessed to be able to work with women who share a common affliction. The medication is simple. First give up, second believe in God and then reach out to others. The reach out to others is often missed because we are so caught up in our pain that we simply don't think we have anything left to give. But alas, praying only for the ability to be of service to others is what brings relief, healing, peace and joy.

This simple truth is what has led us into missions. Not because we have it all figured out (actually far from) or even that we have been relieved of our suffering but instead it is in being in community with others, being service to others, where we find peace, joy and serenity in this crazy life.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Latest and Greatest

Wow! It has been amazing past four weeks. Rob and I have both been traveling and managed to cross paths for only a couple days here and there. But we have been able to keep in touch over the phone sharing the many exciting things going on. First and foremost Rob graduated Mission school. He spent 10 days in Miami completing the final step of the application process with LAM. Not only did he spend two weeks in the classroom but also was interviewed and screened galore. Interviewing and/or screening Robby is always an "experience". Robby doesn't like to beat around the bush so usually his conversation starts with something like this... "I am a recovering addict..." The response of others tends to be mixed with shock, horror, embarrassment and curiosity. Don't worry we are used to it.

Well, he passed... or better yet Robby left Miami feeling confirmed more than ever that LAM was not only what but where he is called to serve.

Only hours after Robby arrived in Phoenix after being gone for two weeks we attended our very first fundraiser hosted by Robby's mother and father. What a wonderful evening. Robby and I shared our calling, the direction we are heading and our testimonies leading up to the call to missions. I was overwhelmed that evening and still am in a way. Overwhelmed at how much has taken place in our life, marriage and family over the past year. I guess I really wasn't taking it it all in. Putting it in words in one evening shed so much light into our life. Overwhelmed with gratitude is my core feeling right now.

We continue to be blessed with financial support. In ways we never imagined. We continue to be affirmed both spiritually and financially that this is the right direction.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


I have to keep from crying at work everyday as I check the latest news from Haiti. My office neighbor is a beautiful woman with family still in Haiti. I see her tearing up throughout the day and I am so filled with longing. Longing to accept all the orphaned children in my home. A longing to help with food and shelter as people sift through the rubble. A longing to hold women as they shed tears over the loss of a child or spouse.
I want to scream from the top of my lungs to everyone who has not noticed or let the news go in one ear and out the other..."Haitians are our people!" The history of colonization and export trade has enabled this beautiful land to become as CNN keeps referring it to, "the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere". Yes, American was part the Haitian history. How quickly we forget.
Right after the earthquake I was watching the news and the first pictures and person they interviewed on TV was a gentleman who stated in no uncertain terms that this tragedy would bring the people of Haiti back to God. I pray this blessing on those hurting.
I also encourage all to take in the full magnitude of this disaster. The businesses destroyed, families separated, home in ruins, scare food and water, infrastructure obliterated. It will decades and possible even a century to re-build this community. So when you make that donation also consider whether your commitment to this country is only while it is sensationalized on TV or over your lifespan to assist in building up this nation, "our people".

Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy Beginnings

Happy Beginning! Rob and I are starting our new year off with travels galore! Rob will be in Miami the latter part of the month of January attending 10+ days of missionary orientation. I would have loved to join him but I have taken on a new venture of my own. I have wanted to venture out into the consulting world for several years now. I have been blessed to act as a consultant in my current role at Valle del Sol on many exciting projects- most recently with the YMCA USA. The YMCA USA is hosting (4) 14 month seminars for YMCA's across the nation entitled, "Engaging the Latino Community". After workind with the YMCA in Phoenix, Chicago and Orlando they have asked me join part of their national consulting team. I am thrilled. Valle del Sol has graciously allowed me to act in this role without it jepordizing my current position at the agency. Thus, I will be traveling the first part of the month of January and will arrive home just as Rob leaves. Please keep us in your prayers. More to come on our exciting journey.